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Another day, another Jay Carney prevarication…save this time it’s a doozy. The Obama administration is about to take a serious punch in the face from $4+ gas prices, and to try and offset some of the damage, Carney is blaming…Republicans.

Well, the Republican governor of Nebraska, right now, claiming the governor asked for the Keystone XL pipeline to be rerouted to preserve the water table. Never mind there are several dozen pipelines running through the exact same location. That’s when he wasn’t trying to slough it off on the State Department, which did the review. No — the impetus to can the pipeline came not from the Nebraska state government, but from anti-shale oil advocates (never mind it’s being mined in Canada) and the president has steadfastly refused to allow common sense or the suffering of the American people to get in the way of his ideology — hence the unofficial permitorium on Gulf offshore drilling, the shutdown of several refineries (some are offline for cleaning; they are dirty things), and his EPA is pushing regulations that will curtail coal-fired electricity generation.

It’s a sign of the times that Carney feels comfortable enough to lie so openly it makes him appear ridiculous.