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It’s Day 779 and your elected officials still haven’t done their one main job: pass a budget. That’s over two years that the Democratic Senate has blocked any budget. They’ve attempted to give up their advise and consent powers (that was Chucky Schumer’s brilliant bloody idea.) They haven’t addressed the president’s blatant violation of the War Powers Act.

So what good are these guys? Why return any of them to office.

Even better — now the International Monetary Fund is noticing that the federal debt crisis is about to take the nation down…and with it the international economy. There’s been no recovery; we’re still in a recession — no, it’s a depression.

So what do our “esteemed” elected officials do? They pass the buck for political expediency.

It’s simple: if you vote for anyone currently holding a seat in Congress — particularly the Senate — this is your fault. These useless buggers we elected are there because of us. It’s time to fix that.