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Nah…he’s just desperate for re-election. It would suck to have to pay for his own parties, wouldn’t it?

The Daily Caller has an article about the president’s recent rescinding of EPA regulations that would have crushed coal and other energy production industries, and probably a lot of manufacturing companies — costing thousands of jobs and making what little pay you’ve got left after usurious gas and food prices for your car disappear in electric bills.

“Today’s action by President Obama concerning smog standards demonstrates that this administration has the ability to voice concerns and stop harmful regulations when it chooses,” Wszolek said. “Therefore, it would only make sense for the White House to communicate clearly to the National Labor Relations Board, National Mediation Board and Department of Labor that they must cease their regulatory assault against American workers and small businesses.”

I think people are getting ahead of themselves here. This was a sop, an attempt to buy off the independents he’s been losing in droves thanks to terrible regulatory, economic, and monetary policies. It hadn’t gone into effect, so it wasn’t a “loss”, so far as Obama’s concerned. He snags an issues (one of many) off the table…of course, he’s pissed off his environmentalist base, and that means he can’t give too much more on regulations.