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The Daily Mail has a story about the Dundee City Council threatening to take the seven children of a couple away for their being overweight. If the council decided to stick their holier-than-thou noses into the situation, the children would be adopted or “fostered without contact.” This despite the family being forced for two years to live in a council-funded house where their eating habits were allegedly (and unsuccessfully) monitored.

‘They picked on us because of our size to start with and they just haven’t let go, despite the fact we’ve done everything to lose weight and meet their demands. We’re going to fight this to the bitter end. It feels like even prisoners have more human rights than we do.’

And in Scotland, they do — especially if you are a “cancer-ridden” Libyan terrorist.

Granted, the social workers only took notice of the family after the son made the classic pre-teen mistake of blaming an injury on his father, probably to get back at him for some slight. It looks like some self-righteous fatty-hater in the Dundee social workers’ office sees an opportunity to show how much better and enlightened they are than the parents.

If you’re reading this and thinking “Good, the state should do something…” you are a terrible person, the sort of self-hating, unsatisfied person that can only find happiness in lording it over others with how much you care, or how much smarter and sensible you are than others. The sort that was probably picked on or beaten up as a kid. And you, like the rest of the meddlesome statist out there can drop dead.

Please do it soon. It’s alleged it will help the planet heal from mankind’s indiscretions; think of it as a service…it’s the only one you coercive buggers can render.